Frequently Asked Questions

The SomnoSeal is in when I fall asleep, but when I wake up it is in the sheets.

Try using the “X” tape to help keep the SomnoSeal securely in your mouth.

Is it okay to use the SomnoSeal without my CPAP?

As long as you can breathe through your nose, you can use the SomnoSeal without CPAP to encourage nasal breathing.

How do I know what size to use?

 Try both sizes in the Starter Kit to determine which size is best for you. Besides increased mouth size, wider mouth opening during the night will require a larger size Seal.

Both SomnoSeals in the Starter Kit are too small and don’t stop my mouth breathing. Do I need a size Large?

Size Large is used by about 10% of SomnoSeal users. They need to be purchased separately.

The SomnoSeal is causing me to drool. What should I do?

Anything new in your mouth will increase salivation and may cause drooling. This should improve over several days to a week as your mouth adjusts. Sleeping on your back may help decrease drooling onto your pillow.

The SomnoSeal just didn’t work for me. Can I get a refund?

I recommend trying both sizes of Seal, both with and without the “X” tape. If it still doesn’t work for you, we offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. You can find our return policy here.

What sizes are available?

The SomnoSeal comes in small, medium, and large sizes. The most common size is Small, followed by Medium. The Starter Kit comes with both Small and Medium sizes as online sizing is challenging. Besides increased mouth size, wider mouth opening during sleep will require a larger sized Seal.

How often do I replace the SomnoSeal?

Replace the SomnoSeal after 90 days of use. This is based on testing of the biocompatible material.

What is the SomnoSeal Made Of?

The SomnoSeal is made of biocompatible silicone

What's the mechanism behind SomnoSeal?

SomnoSeal functions by creating a comfortable seal between the lips and gums, effectively preventing mouth breathing. This seal ensures that the airflow from natural breathing or CPAP devices is contained and directed through the nasal passage, which is the optimal breathing route during sleep.

Is SomnoSeal only for people with sleep apnea, or can it be used for other sleep-related issues?

SomnoSeal is not limited to individuals with sleep apnea; it’s also beneficial for those who snore or have other sleep-related issues where mouth breathing or dry mouth is a factor. It’s designed to promote nasal breathing, which can enhance sleep quality.

How does SomnoSeal compare to traditional chinstraps or other CPAP accessories for mouth breathing prevention during sleep?

SomnoSeal offers a less restrictive alternative to chinstraps or mouth tape by not constraining the jaw or chin movement, making it more comfortable for many users. It directly addresses mouth leaks without the discomfort of additional headgear, leading to a more pleasant sleep experience. SomnoSeal is compatible with facial hair and doesn’t cause skin irritation.

Can I use SomnoSeal with both nasal CPAP and oral appliance therapy simultaneously?

Yes, SomnoSeal is versatile and can be used in conjunction with both nasal CPAP devices and oral appliances, providing a comprehensive solution to mouth breathing issues during sleep.

Is SomnoSeal comfortable to wear all night?

SomnoSeal is made from biocompatible silicone, which is soft and flexible, making it comfortable to wear throughout the night. Its non-invasive design is tailored to fit discreetly and snugly between the lips and gums. It comes in multiple sizes so there is no need to trim the device and risk rough edges.

How do I clean and maintain the SomnoSeal device?

Cleaning SomnoSeal is simple. You can wash it with mild soap and warm water. Regular cleaning is recommended to maintain hygiene and ensure the longevity of the device. The Starter Kit comes with a handy ‘drying stand’ that can be kept near the sink to allow it to air dry.

Is SomnoSeal compatible with individuals who have facial hair, or does it require a clean-shaven face?

SomnoSeal is compatible with individuals with facial hair. The seal is created between the lips and gums and does not rely on skin contact, which means facial hair does not affect its performance.

Will SomnoSeal reduce or eliminate noisy mouth breathing, providing a quieter sleep experience for both me and my partner?

Yes, by preventing mouth breathing, SomnoSeal can reduce or eliminate the noise associated with snoring, contributing to a quieter sleep environment.

What are the benefits of using SomnoSeal for preventing dry mouth during sleep?

Nasal breathing is naturally humidifying, so by encouraging it, SomnoSeal helps maintain moisture in the mouth and throat, which can prevent dry mouth, a common issue associated with mouth breathing during sleep.

How do I properly fit and remove SomnoSeal, and is it easy to do so during the night?

SomnoSeal is designed for ease of use. To insert, gently place it between your lips and gums before sleep, and it should stay in place due to its design. Use the optional ‘X’ tape if your mouth opens wide enough that it falls out. Removal is just as straightforward—gently use the central tab to remove with your fingers or easily reposition during the night. You can also remove the device hands-free by fully opening your mouth and pushing out with your tongue.

Can the SomnoSeal be combined with a mouth guard?

SomnoSeal is designed for ease of use. It can easily be combined with a mouth guard.